Sirály Beach - Lake Velence
Sirály Beach is located in the village of Velencei-tó Gárdony, right next to the railway station. The 3-hectare, approx. A 500-meter-long stretch of coast offers direct access to the natural wildlife, reed islands, and healing waters of Lake Velence. At the same time, this wonderful area is not far from the settlement centers of Agárd and Gárdony, which liven up in the summer. On the west side of the complex is the Seagull Beach, founded almost 100 years ago, which spread the fame of Lake Velence and "Gárdonyfürdő" as the subject of countless postcards from the last century.
Sirály Beach - Lake Velence
The main entrance of Sirály Beach in Gárdony is located in the immediate vicinity of the "Gárdony" railway station. Sirály Strand can be reached from Budapest in 35-45 minutes by train and 40-50 minutes by car. Ample parking is available in the immediate vicinity of the entrance and in the surrounding streets.
Sirály Beach Entrance fee
Sirály Beach - Lake Velence
Arriving at the beach through the main entrance, you can walk down to the shore of Lake Velence in either direction. This part is excellent for families with small children: it is good to rest under the shady trees. An impressive changing room was installed in the area.
Sandy beach
Sirály Strand is the best place for the little ones: here, the longest sandy, slowly deepening stretch of the Velence Lake was created. The little ones can safely sand and splash in the bay.

Sport pitches
Land sports fields are located at the western end of the beach. Up to 2 separate sand beach volleyball courts can be created on a sand beach soccer field. Small and large amateur sports competitions are regularly held on the tracks.
Watersport pitches
Water sports courses were placed in the western half of the beach in the waters of Lake Venice. Whether it's water basketball or water diving, Sirály Beach is the best choice!
Flintsteak Garden Sirály Beach - Lake Velence
In the middle of the Sirály Beach, there is the Flintsteak Garden with a large terrace with parasols. You can choose from freshly baked marinated meats, side dishes, salads, hot dogs, hamburgers, giant pancakes, and ice creams. A separate children's menu can be requested for the little ones. Thirst quenching in the hot weather, you can choose from freshly made lemonade in several flavors. Wines, fizzy drinks, draft beer, and alcoholic beverages are also available. All season MOJITO and CUBA LIBRE SALE!
Payment: cash, debit- and credit cards, Széchenyi relax card
Watersport rental
There is also a pedal boat rental on the beach, where, in addition to pedal boats, you can also rent kayaks, canoes, SUPs and sunbeds.
Why Lake Velence?
Lake Velence is the third largest natural lake in Hungary. Thanks to its favorable natural and geographical features, it is one of the most popular resorts in our country. Thanks to the lake's excellent accessibility, it has a large fan base.
A Velencei-tóhoz érkezve szinte azonnal megragad mindenkit a természet látványa, a hely varázsa.
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Freetime activities
A Sirály Kemping természetközeliségének köszönhetően szabadidős programok sokasága vár itt rátok. Túrázva ellátogathattok a Pákozdi Ingókövekhez, a Katonai Emlékműhöz, körbebiziklizhetitek a Velencei-tavat, lehetőségetek van kenut, valamint SUP-ot bérelni, amellyel bejárhatjátok a tavon úszó nádszigeteket.
Ezen kívül a kulturális programok kedvelőinek tudjuk ajánlani Székesfehérvár belvárosát, amely fél óra alatt elérhető a Park Kempingtől busszal, vonattal és autóval egyaránt.